Spring Cleaning: A Giveaway

Let me tell you a little something: in general, cleaning is such a big chore for me. There are a few things I don’t mind doing, but other things I absolutely dread and hate (like cleaning the cat box, or the bathrooms..apparently I don’t like poop).

So when I get down to cleaning, I need something to get me up and keep me going! That includes some fun music to sing along with and dance with my dogs to (you know you do it!), and cleaning products that make me happy. Yes, a cleaning product can make me happy and actually help me along with my cleaning. Vanilla scented dryer sheets? Yep, they make me want to do my laundry so I can smell it afterwards! Cucumber melon cleaning spray? Yes please – help me get the stinky food smell out of mah kitchen!

So, this is a little GIVEAWAY – and I am going to give the winner some of my most favorite cleaning products to aide them in spring cleaning – yippee!!!! I’m not going to tell you all of what this will include, but it WILL defeinitely be delicious smelling and make you happy!
To Enter: Leave a comment, and be sure to tell me what your favorite cleaning product is and why.

Deadline: Friday, March 12th!
Extra Credit?: I know you all love extra credit, so if you would like to Tweet about it or blog it, you are more than welcome to for an extra entry. Just please leave me a link to your tweet or blog. Thanks!

17 responses to “Spring Cleaning: A Giveaway

  1. You have to tell me where/what you use that smells like cucumber melon. That seriously is my favorite scent.

  2. CLEANING=BLECH!! LOL! But I am like you, some things are worse than others. I like my house picked up and tidy, but when it comes to dusting/cleaning toilets/mopping count me out!! I would have to say my favorite cleaning product are those Clorex Disenfecting Wipes because they are so handy and convenient and they work pretty well for little spills or for cleaning countertops and such. And I'm all for anything easy!!!Thanks for the giveaway…just think, if I win, you won't even have to ship it! πŸ˜‰

  3. Cute contest idea! New cleaning stuff totally motivates me! I love Clorox Anywhere spray because it's safe on eating surfaces and my kiddo's toys but disinfects too πŸ™‚

  4. Oooh yay for giveaways!I love the Clorox disinfecting wipes too… with Maddie, I use them constantlyyyyy. I even wiped poop off a wall the other day. NOT KIDDING.

  5. My fav cleaning products are Mrs. Meyers Lavender cleaning supplies! They smell devine and do a great job cleaning! Oh, and they're environmentally friendly AND they don't test on animals! But the lavender smell is really what won me over! What a great giveaway! Thanks girl!

  6. OK, I admit this is bad for the environment and it doesn't even smell good, but I have hard water and it's a problem, so BILLY MAYS, KABOOM CHANGED MY LIFE. Or, at least my shower is very clean.

  7. Hmmm … I guess my favorite produce is Arm & Hammer Daily shower cleaner — you just spray it after you take a shower and it keeps your tub pretty clean. I hate cleaning the tub (is there anyone that actually likes this chore?) so it's nice not to have to deep clean it so much. OK, for realz, I don't do much of this deep cleaning … before I found that daily shower stuff my shower was quite scary. For some reason I feel like a commercial right now. Ha! πŸ˜› Thanks for writing this post & reminding me to start using this stuff again!

  8. Oh fun! =)My favorite cleaning stuffs are Method anything. Seriously, its just all so good!

  9. windex….. I love windex!!!

  10. Pick me, pick me, PICK ME! Sorry to yell but this chick needs some cleaning things. No joke, my house is a mess. And I was laughing at your next post with the secret cat hiding place. So cute and so funny. Except that would scare the living crap out of my if I was house sitting for you two and your cat jumped out from there. Just saying… good idea for Halloween πŸ™‚

  11. okay I am such a cleaning fanatic so this would be a really fun giveaway to win! : ) my favorite cleaning product these days is Mrs. Meyers Geranium Countertop spray….

  12. Hi there, just found your blog :-)My favorite cleaning product is the "method granite cleaner". It smells soooo good.

  13. Hmm.. I don't have a favorite cleaning product per se, but Jason and I have been using all of the Green Works products as much as possible and I've been pretty happy with those!What a unique giveaway! πŸ™‚

  14. i need help with cleaning! i'm not too good…i do have a favorite product and a favorite "helper." hahawe've got 3 medium to giant sized dogs, and i am constantly using pet stain removers. they're awesome! but i really need to try something stronger for the puppy pee spots :/i have a Roomba [pet series] that i LOVE running around the house. that little guy picks up the little every day messes. love love love.

  15. how fun!! I'm not a fan of cleaning so much… but I am definitely a fan of having things nice and clean and lovely-smelling. My favorite cleaning product is Method glass cleaner. It's minty!! Sometimes I'll clean my mirrors in the bathroom just so I can smell it… and it makes me feel like the whole bathroom is a bit cleaner. hehe.also, I love vinegar. For everything. πŸ™‚

  16. What a fun giveaway!! (i should really do one of those soon)I don't lovvvvve to clean (b/c what the heck.) but I go through a whole lot of Clorox Disinfecting wipes and Green Works spray in our house. With boys in your house, your potty room NEEDS clorox wipes in it. Because boy pee knows not it boundaries.Just sayin.

  17. Cleaning is one of my least favorite chores… Sooo I loved anything that makes it easier for me! Any sort of wipe, swiffer… Love them.

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