
Well I have no concrete wedding plans yet, but I pretty much have the whole thing planned out in my head. Jumping the gun much? I do want to get married sometime in October, though! What I am loving most about being wedding crazy is seeing all these awesome ideas everywhere and being all, “ohhh I can make that!” I have a feeling I will go a little bit insane if I try to make everything though πŸ™‚ We’ll see!

But! I did make this inspiration “board” the other day and it makes me drool!
Let’s make this happen!

PS, Morgan sent me this awesome wedding blog, Ruffled – it is absolutely AMAZING. Check it out!

6 responses to “Inspiration

  1. I cant believe you made an inspiration board already! I never made one, just saved a bunch of pictures I liked. I also didnt go crazy trying to DIY a lot of stuff, but I did get as much as I could from Etsy!

  2. OMG! Are you guys getting married in Shaver???You're wedding is going to be so beautiful, and I'm not gonna lie… I'm super excited for your blog turning into a wedding blog for the next year. hehehe.

  3. Oh ps… I saw the picture on the bottom right of your collage of the bird cage veil. If I could do my wedding over… I would so have a bird cage veil!

  4. Wow, I love that dress on the bottom right – it's beautiful.

  5. if i wasn't getting married on the beach, this is what i would want to do! πŸ™‚ i love that you've done an inspiration board already, it's amazing and it's so nice to have that as a starting place. πŸ™‚

  6. I've always wanted a Fall wedding too! It's going to be absolutely beautiful, I'm sure! Love the ideas you've come up with so far. Can't wait to hear all the plans!

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