Daily Archives: January 7, 2010

A decade in hair

Some notes to my past decade of hair-dos.

Year 2000

Long hair. Un-dyed. Parted in the middle. I think that even though you are 14/15 years old (!!) you are still stuck in the Jr. High ugly phase.

Year 2001

Your hair looks a little better in this photo. I think you’ve had the same hairstyle for about 4 years now, and I’d like it if you did something about that. Not pretty. That being said, nice tan!

Year 2002

WOW…looks like you entered the world of hair styling. I don’t know what happened here. I think you went a little too blonde. Why must you STILL have that middle part??

Year 2003
You are graduating high school and I think your hair could look a little better here. You’re chopping it shorter, and shorter. If I can remember right, this year you changed your style and color a handful of times (couldn’t find the reddish hair pic, darn!).

Year 2004
Thank you Lord almighty for making me part my hair on the side. This looks pretty cute, the color is nice. Gettin’ there, I suppose!!!

Year 2005
Me’thinks you just broke up with your longtime boyfriend and are trying to grow your hair out. It looks alright, better than years 2000 thru 2003 I guess!

Year 2006
You kind of look weird here, and young. I am not digging the whole growing out the hair thing, and the color looks a little dark for you. Just ew…moving along…

Year 2007
Ugh, can you please get rid of this, it’s getting old. I don’t think your hair is dyed here, and it’s just blah – no wonder you’re putting your bangs back all. the. time. Also, I can’t believe this was early in your relationship with Chris, you look so un-cute! BLAH!

Year 2008
YOU CHOPPED IT OFF! Thank God! And got some straight bangs, nice. I am starting to like you again, and you seem much happier (maybe that’s wine induced, but still!).

Year 2009

Finally your hair is back to looking cute and stylish! Good job, I am so proud of 24-year-old you! I am wondering if you will look at this picture in 10 years (!!!) and still approve?