Daily Archives: February 17, 2009

On Painting, Furminating, Baking & Microwaving

I’m punishing myself for not finishing and posting pictures of my bathroom semi-makeover. So here you go (most unflattering video ever, but oh wells!)

Bathrooooom from Alyssa Kapral on Vimeo.

On the next note, we recently purchased a FURminator on Ebay; I totally pwned Petco’s $50 price tag, by over half. Awesome. Our dog as been in omigosh shed-mod for the past 3 weeks or so, and her regular brush was not cutting it. After watching a few videos on Youtube, we decided it was a must have. Vacuuming the carpet and couch every day is way fun. You know your dog sheds too much when your lint screen in the dryer is HALF DOG HAIR (not even kind of kidding).

This is our rug (on drugs), probably from just a few dog-shedding filled days.

This would be a pile of Husky hair, after just a couple minutes of brushing. Repeat for about 10 more hours and you may or may not be done 🙂

I have been sucking lately at baking, for reals. I saw this recipe last week, and knew I had to make it…red velvet cake is my favorite. It was SUPER simple, since you can use a box of cake mix ($1 at Target!). They were AMAZING. If you make this I suggest you watch out how much of the cream cheese filling you add, because it’s pretty sweet/rich.

Oh…umm…I had to show off the font I made of my handwriting, hah!

Nom nom.

We also bought a new microwave this weekend for Valentine’s Day. By “we” I mean Chris, and by “Valentine’s Day“, I mean it just happened to be Valentines Day when he ordered it 😉 It’s being delivered tomorrow from Home Depot! w00t for free delivery! I also thought microwaves were going to be like, $100..but apparently the over the range ones are way more expensive. Darn.

I probably should have split this into 4 separate posts…oops!!!